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Tattoo Supplies

Pre-Tattoo Tips & Post-Tattoo Aftercare

A complete tattoo session actually includes both pre-tattoo care and post-tattoo care. Below are some tips to help you feel comfortable both before and after getting tattooed.

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Pre-Tattoo Tips

Stay Hydrated - Drink plenty of water before your session as hydrated skin takes the ink better.
Get a Good Night's Sleep - Being well-rested helps you tolerate pain better and keeps you relaxed during the session.
Eat a Solid Meal - Have a good meal before your appointment. It helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.
Avoid Alcohol and Aspirin - Both can thin your blood, increasing bleeding during the tattoo process.
Wear Comfortable Clothing - Choose clothing that allows easy access to the area getting tattooed and won’t be ruined by ink stains.

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Post-Tattoo Aftercare

Keep it Clean - Gently wash your tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water and pat it dry with a clean, soft cloth.
Moisturize - Apply a thin layer of fragrance-free moisturizing ointment regularly to keep the tattoo moist.
No Scratching or Picking - Avoid scratching or picking at the scabs as it can damage the tattoo and cause infections.
Avoid Sun Exposure - Keep the tattoo out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Use a high SPF sunscreen once healed.
Stay Dry - Avoid soaking the tattoo in water (like baths, swimming pools, etc.) until it fully heals.
Wear Loose Clothing - Avoid tight clothing that may rub against the tattoo.

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